Lake Hopatcong Train Station
Landing, Roxbury Township, Morris County, NJ
Lake Hopatcong Foundation
Donna Macalle-Holly, Grants and Program Coordinator
Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
Historic Preservation Plan, National Register Nomination,
Documentation, Design Development, Contract Documents,
Pre-Qualifications, Bidding and Contract Administration for
four phases of construction.
The Lake Hopatcong Train Station was built in 1911, as a one-and-one-half-story, Tudor Revival/Jacobean-style passenger station of rubble stone and cast stone construction terra cotta detailing and a clay tile roof. The station was primarily used for passenger access to Lake Hopatcong via the Morris Canal, as Lake Hopatcong at that time was a popular summer tourist destination until the 1970s and today Lake Hopatcong Foundation serves as an environmental and cultural center.
Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects prepared a Historic Preservation Plan and a New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places as a Boundary Increase to the Morris Canal Historic District for the Lake Hopatcong Train Station which guided the Foundation through several phases of exterior restoration and interior rehabilitation including Ludowici clay tile roof barrier-free upgrades, a new masonry restoration, window and door restoration, and restoration and upgrade of interior finishes and features so the building reflects its use as a train station while being adaptively reused.
The project won a 2021 NJAIA-Newark Suburban Design Award, earning a Silver for Historic Preservation and a New Jersey Historic Preservation Award in 2021.